publications,  Teresa,  toxin handlers

Viewpoint on Toxin Handlers: SHRM Employee Relations Series

This three part series on Toxin Handlers is written by Dr. Teresa Daniel and published by the Society of HR Management SHRM. It is a very interesting read. Dr. Daniel has written a book Organizational Toxin Handlers, soon to be published, 2020 Oct, by Pallgrave.

This is the first in a three-part series on toxic workplaces and HR’s role in mitigating organizational toxicity. The second article in the series will discuss the dangers associated with the toxin-handling role and what HR practitioners can do to protect themselves. The third will delve further into what HR toxin handlers do and why organizations need them.

Viewpoint: HR as Toxin Handler: An examination of HR’s role in helping employees deal with toxic emotions at work

Viewpoint: How HR Can Protect Itself from Toxic Emotion: Strategies to reduce the harm caused by toxin handling

Viewpoint: How Toxin Handlers Reduce Organizational Pain

This is the third in a three-part series of articles on toxic workplaces and HR’s role in mitigating organizational toxicity.

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