Dr. Teresa Daniel Authors New Book on Toxin Handlers in the Workplace: Sullivan University
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Sullivan University Dean and Professor Dr. Teresa Daniel, a leading expert on the management of human capital, has written a timely and unique book titled Organizational Toxin Handlers: The Critical Role of HR, OD, and Coaching Practitioners in Managing Toxic Workplaces Situations. The book examines HR’s role in helping employees deal with toxic workplace emotions that are caused by difficult organizational decisions and situations. The numerous return to work issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic are a prime example of the types of issues causing stress to both employees and their organizations. HR practitioners have never been more relevant or more in demand. The book is being published by Palgrave Macmillan and is available for pre-order on Amazon.
More information is available at Organizational Toxin Handlers
“The term ‘toxin handler’ is a new one for many. These are people in organizations—usually in HR and OD positions–who help employees deal with organizational toxicity and difficult emotions at work so that they can stay focused and productive,” Dr. Daniel said. “With the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy in freefall, and difficult layoff and return-to-work decisions currently being made by organizations across the country, many employees are worried about staying safe and also about the health of their families and co-workers. What that means is that many are returning to work stressed out and worried about whether their organization will even survive. Bottom line: they are bringing a lot of angst back with them. As a result, we need toxin handlers more than ever.”
“This book provides strategies that HR and OD practitioners can use to help them to anticipate and navigate the organizational toxicity caused by some of the inevitable and difficult people-related situations that are likely to come their way, especially during these unprecedented times” Dr. Daniel said.
“Toxin handlers will help people feel better about returning to work; in turn, this will allow them to become focused and productive more quickly. That’s good for both the employee and also for their employer.”
“While HR practitioners frequently deal with these types of issues, nobody really talks about it—likely because they didn’t have a term for it. Now they do—organizational toxin handler—and it is a critical and valuable contribution to both employees and to their organizations,” she said.