Gary Metcalf: Publications, Research
PUBLICATIONS Books Metcalf, G., Kijima, K. & Deguchi, H. (Eds.) Handbook of systems sciences. Tokyo, Springer. (Forthcoming 2021). Daniel, T. A. & Metcalf, G. S. (2016). Stop Bullying at Work: Strategies and Tools for HR, Legal, & Risk Management Professionals. Alexandria, VA: SHRM Books. Metcalf, G. S. (Ed.), (2014). Social Systems and Design, Translational Systems Sciences 1. Tokyo: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54478-4_1. Daniel, T. A. and Metcalf, G. S. (2001). The Management of People in Mergers & Acquisitions. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Articles, Chapters and Papers Metcalf, G. S. (2020). The complexity of climate change and the need for policies of resilience. Paper accepted for the 4th International Conference on Complexity…