• Gary,  summary of services,  Teresa

    Summary of Services

    At InterConnections, LLC, the focus of our practice is to help organizations in their efforts to build a positive employee relations climate, eliminate counterproductive work behaviors, and create cultures of respect. In support of this focus, our consulting work centers around three key services: (1) Executive Coaching for Leaders and Managers; (2) HR Investigations, including employee misconduct, allegations of sexual harassment, and toxic workplace environments; and (3) HR Consulting, including executive and board-level performance evaluations, and the development of HR professionals and the HR function

  • true story

    Executive Sexual Advances

    A senior executive of a regional firm viewed the small workforce as his own personal dating pool. Female employees felt uncomfortable accepting his requests for dinner dates, but were also conflicted about making him mad (which might impact their employment). Following an interConnectionsLLC investigation and after reviewing our recommendation, the executive was removed by the firm’s board of directions. After he was terminated, the females who had been subject to this harassment for many years sent us a dozen yellow roses in appreciation of our investigative efforts.

  • true story

    Bad Behavior from Senior Exec

    A senior executive often complimented female employees at work, making provocative comments that made them feel uncomfortable. He also was an equal opportunity “yeller”, frequently expressing expletives to both male and female employees. InterConnectionsLLC consultants were called in to investigate the facts and to determine if a hostile work environment was being created as a result of these frequent comments and also to determine how the organization could best move forward. The individual was subsequently removed from his position.

  • true story

    Two Execs Learn to Get Along

    Two senior executives of a large corporation, both valuable employees, were creating significant workplace stress and conflict for employees in their respective groups. The company engaged Interconnections LLC to work with them both individually and in sessions together. They engaged in pre-reading assignments for their individual monthly session about relevant cases and topics. Then each month we had a separate joint session. The role of interconnections LLC was to help facilitate their conversations and to help them understand better where the other was coming from. Over a period of six months, their understanding of each other increased and their workplace interactions improved. The result was that no one was terminated…

  • true story

    Young single mom illegally searched

    A young single mom worked for a fast food restaurant. An unidentified person made a prank call to the manager on-call at the site pretending to be a police officer. The caller told him that one of his employees was stealing money from the cash register and that he needed to search her before she left the premises. He complied, conducting an egregious strip search of the employee in the bathroom stall of the restaurant. A lawsuit was filed against both the company and the manager. InterconnectionsLLC provided expert testimony about the egregiousness of the conduct and made recommendations about how the company should remedy the matter. The former employee…