Teresa Daniel, Gary Metcalf: Books
Books Toxic Leaders and Tough Bosses: Organizational Guardrails to Keep High Performers on Track , Teresa A. Daniel, Published by De Gruyter , March 18, 2024 Toxic work culture is driving away 1 in 5 employees at an annual cost of US $44.6 billion to American organizations. Yet ironically, toxic leaders often achieve stellar financial profits, continue to get promoted and remain in their leadership roles. In Toxic Leaders and Tough Bosses – Organizational Guardrails to Keep High Performers on Track, employment law attorney Teresa A. Daniel JD, PhD, draws upon numerous studies and interviews to show the real, devastating impact of toxic workplace culture and why leaders must care.…
Teresa Daniel: Presentations, Workshops
Academic Proceedings & Presentations Formalizing Leadership: Toward the Development of a Systemic Framework (with Dr. Gary S. Metcalf), 61st Annual Conference of the International Society for the System Sciences, Vienna, Austria, July 9 – 14, 2017. Crossing the Line: An Exploration into Toxic Leadership in the U.S. Army (with Dr. Gary S. Metcalf), 18th Annual International Leadership Association Global Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2 – November 5, 2016. Toxic Leadership in Context (with Dr. Gary S. Metcalf), 60th Annual Conference of the International Society for the System Sciences, Boulder, Colorado, July 24 – 29, 2016. A Perfect Storm: A Systems View of the Phenomenon of Abrasive Leadership (with Dr. Lynn…
Teresa Daniel: Media Appearances
Television and Radio Interviewed in the studio by a news anchor for WKYLT-TV (a CBS affiliate in Lexington, KY) about workplace bullying (November 2018). Interviewed in the studio by a reporter for WHAS-TV (an ABC affiliate in Louisville, KY), about workplace bullying (November 2018). Filmed a commercial highlighting the range of Sullivan University’s Human Resource Leadership programs, beginning with a bachelor’s degree and culminating with a PhD in Management (April 2013). TV interview about bullying in the corporate workplace for the “Weekends with Whitney” show via an NBC affiliate in Chicago, IL (September 2011). Radio interview about workplace bullying broadcast to five affiliate stations via The Mary Jones Show, WDRC-AM…
About Teresa Daniel, JD, PhD