About Gary Metcalf

Organizational Experience: Fortune 100 corporations; non-profit organizations; internal management; external consultant; small business owner
Theorist and Author: development and evolution of people, organizations, and social systems
Professional Speaker/Presenter: seminars and presentations in the US, South America, Europe, India and China.
University Professor: graduate instructor and course developer, primarily at the doctoral level
Leadership in International Organizations: President, International Federation for Systems Research; Past President (2007-2008), International Society for the Systems Sciences
2011 to 2015: Visiting Faculty, Aalto University, Creative Sustainability program
2011 to 2018: Distinguished Lecturer, Sullivan University, PhD in Management program
2003 to 2020: Teaching Faculty, Saybrook University, Graduate instructor in the Organizational Systems, and Research
2004 to 2009: Adjunct Faculty, Federal Executive Institute – Office of Personnel Management, US Government
Leadership instructor for senior executives in US Federal agencies
2005 to 2009: Adjunct Faculty, Bhavan-Marshall MBA Program
Adjunct faculty in the joint degree program between Marshall University and the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute in Bangalore, India.
2004 to 2005: Adjunct Faculty & Consultant, Ohio University, Center for Innovation and Leadership Development
Develop, market and facilitate leadership programs for corporations and groups.
2002 to 2005: Adjunct Faculty, Capella University, School of Human Services, Division of Administration and Management
Graduate instructor and course designer. Courses developed include: Managing Human Capital in Healthcare Environments; Non-Profit Entrepreneurship; Human Resources and Volunteer Management in Non-Profits.
2001: Adjunct Faculty for Executive Business Training Program, Center for International Programs, Marshall University
Developed and taught an overview of western-focused business approaches for Chinese executives from SINOPEC.
2001 to 2002: Associate Director/Faculty, Business Programs, United States Open University
Customized curricula for US students; supervised faculty; delivered business management courses.
February 1989 to September 1998: Manager, Employee Assistance & Health Promotion Programs, Ashland Inc.
Ashland, KY
EAP: Designed and implemented programs covering over 30,000 employee families. Consultant to senior management regarding organizational change, leadership and employee performance issues.
Health Promotion: Led inter-divisional team which planned corporate-wide health programs. Wrote/edited corporate-wide health promotion newsletter.
Substance Abuse Testing: Implemented Federally-required alcohol testing corporate-wide. Directed program that conducted more than 18,000 drug and alcohol tests per year.
Team Facilitation: Certified facilitator for process improvement teams.
February 1987 to February 1989: Manager, Employee Assistance Programs, Tandy Corporation
Fort Worth, TX
Designed and implemented programs targeted to 7000 headquarters and computer manufacturing employees, plus support services to an additional 7000 store locations (over 30,000 employees in total) as part of the Human Resources function.
October 1981 to February 1987: SPRUCE / The Bridge Association
Fort Worth, TX
Program director and family therapist.
Dealing with Change, Keynote presentation regarding trends in education to the Ashland Community and Technical College system, October, 2011, Ashland, KY.
Educating Service Scientists, The 3rd Invited Workshop and Open Symposium on Services Science Management and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, March, 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
The Envisioned Value to Society of Scientific Improvements, The 2nd Invited Workshop and Open Symposium on Services Science Management and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, February 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
Science and the Perspective of Systems, International Society for the Systems Sciences, 2008, Madison, WI
Patterns of Significance: Complexities that arise between science and human decision-making, World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2008, Orlando, FL
Connecting Differences: Tensions between rigor and relevance, World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2007, Orlando, FL
Rigor and Relevance in Systems: connecting differences, International Society for the Systems Sciences, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
The Legacy of Professor Bela H. Banathy: Conversational Meetings for Social Systems Design, World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2006, Orlando, FL
The Entrepreneurial Process:From Ideas to Reality: One-Day Workshop Presented to the Visvesvaraya Technological University and the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development of Karnataka (CEDOK) in Bangalore, India on December 12, 2004.
Strategic Best Practices in the United States: Presentation to Chinese delegates visiting the Marshall University campus to study the US business and educational system on October 17, 2002.
Daniel, T. A. and Metcalf, G. S. (2001), The Management of People in Mergers & Acquisitions. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
Metcalf, G. S. (2010). Service as mutualism: A question of viability in systems, Service Science, 2 (1/2), 93-102.
Metcalf, G. S. (2009). Special issue guest editor, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 26, 5.
Metcalf, G. S. (2009). A case for system-specific modeling, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference, The International Society for the Systems Sciences.
Presented at the ISSS 2009 Conference in Brisbane, Australia, July 2009
Metcalf, G. S. (2008) The Nature of Sustainable Systems, Sustainable Future, Requisite Holism and Social Responsibility, Stane Boži?nik, Timi E?imovi? and Matjaž Mulej, (Eds.) ANSTED University.
Metcalf, G. S. (2008) Dialogue and Ecological Engineering in Social Systems Design, Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference, The International Society for the Systems Sciences.
Presented at the ISSS 2008 Conference in Madison, WI, July 2008.
Metcalf, G. S. (2008) The Evolution of Conversation, in Robert Trappl (ed.) Cybernetics and Systems 2008, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. Vienna, Austria, 2008.
Presented at the 19th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research
Daniel, T. A. and Metcalf, G. S. (2005) The Fundamentals of Employee Recognition, Society for Human Resource Management white paper (http://www.shrm.org/hrresources/whitepapers_published/Employee%20Relations%20TOC.asp#P1_50)
Daniel, T. A. and Metcalf, G. S. (2005) The Science of Motivation, Society for Human Resource Management white paper (http://www.shrm.org/hrresources/whitepapers_published/Employee%20Relations%20TOC.asp#P1_50)
Daniel, T. A. and Metcalf, G. S. (2005) Employee Recognition – Selling, Implementing, and Communicating the Program, Society for Human Resource Management white paper (http://www.shrm.org/hrresources/whitepapers_published/Employee%20Relations%20TOC.asp#P1_50)
Metcalf, G. S. (2004) Implements and Images: The making of social systems, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference, The International Society for the Systems Sciences.
Presented at the ISSS 2004 Conference in Asilomar, CA, July 2004.
Metcalf, G. S. (2003) A Case for Appreciation in Sustainable Development, Proceedings of the International Business Interface Conference in Quito, Ecuador, Alfred University Press, ISBN 0-9604962-5-4.
Metcalf, G. S. (2003) Learning to Design Systems. World Futures, 59(1), 21-36.
Metcalf, G. S. (2003) Right Choices in a Complex World. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference, The International Society of Systems Sciences.
Cowan, C., Francois, C., High, C., Medvedeva, T., Metcalf, G., Ossimitz, G., & Todorovic, N. (2002). Climbing Mount Awareness: Developing Effective Systemic Responses to Societal Change. In C. Hofer & G. Chroust (Eds.) The Eleventh Fuschl Conversation, Reports of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, Austria.
Metcalf, G. S. and An, F. (2002) Stability and Change in China: Movement Towards a Free Market Economy.In J. Wilby and D. Gibbs (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference, The International Society for the Systems Sciences.
Presented at the ISSS 2002 Conference in Shanghai, P.R. China, August 2002.
Metcalf, G. S. Change, Choice, and Function. (2000). in Robert Trappl (ed.) Cybernetics and Systems 2000, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. Vienna, Austria, 2000.
Presented at the 15th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research.
Metcalf, G. S. (2000). Causality and Social Systems.Saybrook Graduate School Dissertation.
Metcalf, G. S. (1999).A Systems View of Intellectual Capital.In A. M. Castell, A. J. Gregory, M. E. James, & R. Gillian (Eds.), Synergy Matters: Working with Systems in the 21st Century.New York:Plenum Publishing.
Presented at the United Kingdom Systems Society conference in Lincoln, England, July 1999.
Metcalf, G. S. (1999).A Critique of Social Systems Theory.In M. L. W. Hall & J. Wilby (Eds.), Humanity, Science, Technology:The Systemic Foundations of the Information Age.From the 43rd Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.
Presented at the ISSS conference in Asilomar, CA, June 1999.
Brown, S., Chroust, G., Dyer, G., Horiuchi, Y., Metcalf, G., Rhee, M., Rowland, G., & Tagliaferri, C. (1998).Future Life-Long Learning:A Provisional Model for the Creation of Value.In R. Trappl & W. Horn (Eds.), Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies Reports.
Metcalf, G. S. (1993).Employee Assistance as Health Care Prevention, EAPA Exchange, Vol. 23, No. 9.The Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Inc., Arlington, VA.