Bad Behavior from Senior Exec
A senior executive often complimented female employees at work, making provocative comments that made them feel uncomfortable. He also was an equal opportunity “yeller”, frequently expressing expletives to both male and female employees. InterConnectionsLLC consultants were called in to investigate the facts and to determine if a hostile work environment was being created as a result of these frequent comments and also to determine how the organization could best move forward. The individual was subsequently removed from his position.
Two Execs Learn to Get Along
Two senior executives of a large corporation, both valuable employees, were creating significant workplace stress and conflict for employees in their respective groups. The company engaged Interconnections LLC to work with them both individually and in sessions together. They engaged in pre-reading assignments for their individual monthly session about relevant cases and topics. Then each month we had a separate joint session. The role of interconnections LLC was to help facilitate their conversations and to help them understand better where the other was coming from. Over a period of six months, their understanding of each other increased and their workplace interactions improved. The result was that no one was terminated…