Your Employees Are Not Criminals . . . So Why Treat Them That Way?
Teresa A Daniel, JD, PhD Dean & Professor-Human Resource Leadership Program at Sullivan University Originally published on linkedIn Every company has work rules and expected standards of conduct. Unfortunately, employees do not always live up to those standards resulting in a unilateral decision to part ways. Adding to the stress and emotion that an employee is likely to feel when notified of the termination decision, all too often employers also put them through a somewhat barbaric and humiliating “walk of shame”. You know what I am talking about (and no, it is not the morning after a college fraternity party). You have likely seen it happen at work or even…
Taming the Beast
Although their approach is widely criticized, it is fair to say that bullies represent a functional part of many organizations. They come in all shapes and sizes, all ages and both genders. Bullying is targeted and abusive behavior. It is personally destructive and should have nothing to do with advancing legitimate organizational goals. Despite its negative connotations, though, anyone who works in an American corporation can easily see that arrogant and abusive leaders are frequently rewarded with promotions, increased pay and bonuses, as well as more power and influence. In a nutshell—bullying pays off. This paper will examine the ways American corporations unwittingly conspire to make workplace bullying a rational…